
Monday, October 1, 2012

Modest Fashion Show

So this activity was a lot of fun. The girls really enjoyed it and we had 100% attendance. Our Class presidency actually planned this activity and used it for one of their personal progress goals. We let each of the girls choose from two categories of dress which included: School Cool, Church, Formal, Casual, Business, Sporty, and Crazy. A lot of the girls walked in their team sport attire which made it fun to see what they were all up to. Also they really seemed to enjoy doing the Crazy category. In fact that was the only limitation I put on them, that they could only walk "Crazy" for one of their walks. We used some fun music and we were so lucky to have an entertaining MC describing the girls as they walked down the runway, and my sweet husband in charge of the lighting. Those two really helped to make if fun!

As far as the runway went we placed our 3 stair unit on the floor in front of the center of our gym stage followed by 2 of our long tables (just laying on the floor, I didn't want any falls!). We ran the tables and stairs with a roll of plain craft paper and then taped large Christmas lights to the outsides of the stairs and tables to make it more exciting, and then lined the runway with a couple of rows of chairs for parents and families just like in a real show. I was a little nervous about the girls making it back on time for their second walk, so we decided to have a brief intermission in between the walks and had the families help themselves to some refreshments. After the girls did their second walks they all came and sat down next to their families and listened to one of the Laurels give a very brief 5 minute talk on the importance of dressing modestly. Also, a week before the fashion show I handed out a copy of the section on dressing modestly from the "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet. All in all I think this was a really fun activity for the girls and it was fun to see them shine!

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