
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Book Worms for the Book Worm

This Sunday we worked on the lesson called: How can I improve my scripture Study? This was a very fun lesson (for Me)! I found Brother Eyring's interview and the section called Teaching From The Scriptures from Teaching, No Greater call to be very helpful! I enjoyed making and sharing a list of ideas of how the youth can develop their own personal scripture study approach. The kids helped to make a great list!

- Provide context: ie answer the questions who is speaking, whom is that person speaking to, What is he or she speaking about, what is he or she responding to, and why is he or she saying this?
- Liken the scriptures unto yourslef
- Use the study helps in the scriptures: Topical Guide, maps, and The Bible Dictionary  
- Look at the footnotes and cross reference
- Read the headings of chapters and sections, introductory pages to the scriptures, study the maps, and use the topical guide to look up specific subjects.
- Mark your scriptures: come up with your own personal system that works best for you, ie color by subject etc
- Scripture Linking
- Make notes in the margins
- Study you scriptures at a specific time each day, be consistent
- Say a prayer before you begin and after you finish

and per usual I love to make a great handout. I loved this idea I found on Pinterest!

Here's how mine turned out!

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