
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hot Chocolate like at Nordstroms!

So recently I took my 6 year old Christmas Shopping. At one point we ended up at Nordstroms and this wonderful man brought us a tray filled with hot chocolate samples to try. It doesn't get better than chocolate and shopping! The memory alone is enough to keep me smiling! Anyway so my 6 year old finished hers then mine and demanded more. Having spent already more than I care to admit to even myself I promised her I would make some just like theirs once we got home. Here it is:

Hot Chocolate like at Nordstroms

1/4 cup of Hershey's Cocoa
1/2 cup of sugar
1/3 cup of hot water
the smallest pinch of cayenne pepper
4 cups of milk
3/4 teaspoon of vanilla
Whipping cream and
Cinnamon for garnish

Heat cocoa, sugar, water, and cayenne on medium low heat stirring constantly until it comes to a boil. Add 4 cups of milk. Stirring constantly, heat chocolate milk until just before boiling. Do not let it boil! You can tell that the mixture is just about to boil if when you stir it you can see a generous amount of steam rising from the pot. Not letting it come to a boil avoids the mixture developing a skin. If you look closely you can also see a little tension in the milk but no bubbles. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Serve with a dollop of whipping cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon or some crushed candy cane.


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