
Monday, March 10, 2014

Camp Kick Off!

This Sunday is our Camp Kick Off! I'm so excited to be officially presenting both our stake and ward themes to the girls. I think it's going to be a fun night! The YCLS have been hard at work creating a skit for the night and working on all of their various parts.

Our stake theme is Be BRAVE, it's a jungle out there! Each ward selected an animal to represent themselves. We are the Giraffes. It's been fun to come up with all kinds of ways of including this theme into our presentation. For our Camp Kick Off Night the YCLS have decided to go a little tribal :). Here are some images I found online for inspiration.

The YCLS skit is mainly to entertain the girls, get them excited about camp, and motivate any 1st time girls who are nervous about coming or girls who have had a bad experience as to why they should be looking forward to this year's camp. After all its going to be the best year ever!

Each of the YCLS will take turns presenting their skit, our themes, leading the music, etc. We will have on display some of the crafts we will be making this year at camp, Secret Sister Surveys, Permission slips, a packing list, and a few munchies.  I think its going to be a great night! I plan on using the S'more cupcakes, something to drink, and maybe some dipped fruit.

Our Ward theme to go along with It's a Jungle Out There is Girl on Fire. We had lots of fun creating the invites for camp kick off. Here's a picture. It's basically an arrow with some tags stating the themes for camp and the date and time for camp kick off.

Here is a quick arrow invite tutorial.


Glitter Paper
Hot glue and glue gun
Wooden dowel
White twine (slightly thicker than thread)
Boa or package of feathers
Glittered paper to form arrow heads
Tags with information
Dark wood stain

1. Stain all of your dowels and allow them time to dry.
2. Create a triangle template to form your arrowhead out of cardstock. Cut two arrowheads per dowel. Use a hot glue gun to attach the arrowheads to the dowel taking care not to burn yourself. My 6 year old has been playing with the left overs, so they are pretty beat up, but you get the idea :)

3. Pull about 9 feathers from your boa. (I did not use glue to fasten my feathers to my arrows, I felt like I could wind them tightly enough in using the twine that they would not come out, but if you are worried you can add a small amount of glue. I personally wanted to keep the hot glue as far away as possible from the feathers!)
4. Start by holding about half of the feathers close to the dowel at the opposite end of the arrow. Wind your twine extremely tightly around the bottoms of the feathers leaving a "tail". After you have gone a few times around add the remaining feathers. Wind around the feathers over and over again until you see nothing but twine. At this point you can tie it off using the loose end and your tail.
5. Using the same twine, punch holes in your tags ( Mine were both double sided. They included both the stake and ward themes and the date and time for camp kick off) and tie them around one at a time.


I also created a Secret Sister Survey which is basically just a questionnaire each girl can fill out that night. That way when we exchange names the girls will be armed with a little extra information while trying to decide what they want to do for their secret sister.

Wish me luck!

For more camp fun Click Here 

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