
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Carnival Fundraiser

For our yearly fundraiser this year we decided to do a carnival and silent auction. I think it went fantastic and was so fun to see all the families and couples come out to support the Young Women! We let the girls decide what kind of booths they wanted to run and let them work them in groups. Some of the leaders owned things like the popcorn machine, but we rented other things like the cotton candy machine from a party supply store. Some of the Booths included: A Face Painting Booth, Wack a Mole, Fish Pond, Nerf Attack, Fish Bounce, Ice Cream Stand, Cotton Candy, Popcorn. We also served a meal as part of the entrance fee. It came with a hot dog, chips, and a bottle of water. The silent auction included both services and finished goods (and was really where we cleaned up in terms of fund raising). We also included a Cheesecake room for people not interested in playing games. We sold family passes, couple's passes, and single passes which included a meal ticket, and several tickets for play. We set up just one ticket booth where families could buy their passes and extra tickets and put the young women in charge of collecting tickets at their booths. Based on my own children's experiences and the many families I saw enjoying themselves I think it was a huge success and so very fun! Congratulations girls on an excellent evening!

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