
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

DIY Mason Jar Lanterns

One of the tasks the stake gave us for this years Girls Camp was to come up with a light source for a special evening, and because I'm in complete mason jar love, I decided to make a DIY Mason Jar Lantern. What fun!

I'm in LOVE!

Here's what you need:
An old Mason Jar
Tape or stickers to create a patern
Spray Paint
Elmer's All Purpose Glue
Super fine glitter
A pencil or a wooden dowel
Galvanized steel wire (I used 1.2 mm, 18 gauge)
wire cutters and pliers

Here's what you do:
1. Start with a clean, dry mason jar. wrap tape around your jar creating voids for the spray paint. You can also use stickers to create patterns such as polka dots. Keep the lid on if you want a colored lid for later.

2. Lightly spray paint a coat of your favorite color and wait 10 min. Repeat 2 more times.

3. Allow the jar to thoroughly dry before removing the tape.

4. If you want to add a few stripes of glitter add some more tape.

5. Paint in between the tape lines with some Elmer's All Purpose Glue. Make sure you give it a good coat. Sprinkle with glitter.

6. Remove Tape.

 7. Now it's time to make a handle. Start with a little over 2 feet of wire. wrap the wire around a wooden dowel or pencil to create a link. You can use your pliers to twist it tight.

 8. Remove the wire from the wooden dowel and fit it around your mason jar just below all the grooves. Twist the two ends of wire just barely together on the opposite side. You can also use your pliers here to twist the wire a couple more times so that it fits snugly around the jar. We don't want any jars dropping from their handles!

9. Slip the longest end over and through the link you created. Clip the wire a little less than an inch above the loop and twist together using the pliers where necessary. Do the same on the side without the loop making sure to bend in any sharp bits of protruding wire.

 Put a flameless candle or tea light inside and enjoy!

Here's how the YW's Lanterns went

Aren't they BEAUTIFUL! As you can see the YW got a whole lot more creative than I did! I also added a tag that has their name on top of the word BRAVE. On the back of the tag it reads:

"Be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire!"

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