
Monday, July 14, 2014

If I Only Had a Brain?

It's summertime and my kids have way to much free time! We're working on that, but in the meantime I wanted to create a system for them to budget their time with technology and have them be accountable for it. I'm not much of a police woman, I try to teach them to be accountable to themselves, but they needed just a little structure. This idea appealed to me the most. They each get 10 30 minute coupons to use during a one week period (which works out to be 5 hours a week). They can choose to use them all at once (provided their chores are done) or they can choose to spread them out, but when they're gone, they're GONE!

We also enjoyed visiting The LDS Youth site and watching a few of their 2 minute videos about making wise choices when it comes to technology. As a family we discussed some of the Mormon adds regarding technology and what we thought the message was supposed to be. The power cord cut out was one of my favorites. Here's the link for the Mormon adds.

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