
Saturday, August 2, 2014

At Last!

This last week was the open house for the Ogden Temple! It has been a long time coming. Chad has been part of the process for the last 4 years. It was so wonderful to go and see some of the work he and others have done to make the Ogden Temple so beautiful! He has been so grateful for his job, this opportunity, and for the people he is privileged to work for. The Ogden Temple is kind of special to me. My parents were married there, I used to go and do baptisms for the dead every Friday at the crack of dawn before classes while at Weber, and now Chad has had the privilege of helping with the redesign. Our family is kind of hopeless at family photos, but here's us at the open house.

We weren't aloud to take any pictures on the inside, but here are some of the church published pictures. This is what the Ogden Temple used to look like.

Here's what the remodeled temple looks like.

I really like the Angel Moroni and the architectural details.

My favorite part was the decorative paint and the chandeliers.

I also loved the use of the Pioneer rose and the prairie grass throughout.

What a beautiful day, and a wonderful opportunity!

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