
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Chili Off

The next activity we are going to have to get ready for girls camp is a chili off! I thought it would be a fun way to knock out a few of our food related certifications. The girls love a good competition too! We used a fire pit (S'mores), camp stoves (chili), and dutch ovens (corn bread).
We are going to divide the girls up into 3 teams of 9 and let the girls compete for the best chili. The judges will be the leader's families. We will provide them with a set of ingredients and let them decide on amounts and whether or not to include a particular ingredient, how fine to chop it, etc.

Here's a list of ingredients we'll be including:

3 lbs of ground beef (1lb of ground beef per team)
3 onions
3 cans of kidney beans
3 cans of diced tomatoes
3 bell peppers
3 cans of pinto beans
3 cans of tomato sauce
cayenne pepper
chili powder
ground cumin
salt and pepper
shredded cheese
sour cream

We will also be serving corn bread, lemonade and water, and Oreo S'mores :) Click here for the recipe. I am going to print off a few voting cards and let the leader's families be the judges. I think it will be way fun.

I thought these would make for cute decorations at the serving table.

I found the chalk board tags for 49 cents at Michael's. Awesome, right?

I fell in love with the tomato can vases!

Mr. Piggy seems like a good friend to bring along too :-)!
I'll post more pics and how tos for the chili and corn bread, but I think we're off to a great start! I think it's going to be a really fun activity!

Here's a few more pics!

The Girls Chopped their veggies and put the ingredients in their pots.

Then each team cooked their chili on our camp stove.

Somebody gets a hold of my camera:-) I love these girls!

For a small tutorial on Dutch Oven Corn Bread click here.

After we were all through we invited the leaders' families and the bishopric to be our judges!

Our chili tasting cups

Somebody enjoys a little Sm'Oreo as one of my YW coined it.

This has been one of my favorite pre-camp activities, I really enjoyed it.

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