
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Daughter of God Week: Mission Possible Style

This year we did a Daughter of God Week (Mission Possible style) to get our girls ready for YW Camp. I blogged each day separately, but I thought I would do a summery with the links to each day for complete quotes etc. The first day was a prayer challenge and prayer rocks. Click here for more info.

The 2nd day was a scripture reading challenge with fresh baked rolls. "The scriptures are meant to be used like bread... for daily use, not like cake... for just special occasions." Click here for more info.

The 3rd day was a secret service challenge and came with some Bit-O-Honeys. Click here for more info.

Day 4 was about repentance. We used the Pencil Maker Story and the girls each got a fun pencil.  Click here for more details.

Day 5 was about gratitude and we used Dieter F. Uchtdorf's Golden Ticket talk. Click here for all the details.

Day 6 was probably my favorite. It was all about withstanding adversity. Each girl got a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie and the quotes to go along with the day. Click here for more info.

Day 7 was about our Divine Nature. We used the quote "Be the Light". Click here for more info.

This was such a fun week! It was a ton of work, but I loved delivering all the quotes and tokens each day. If anything it blessed my own personal testimony and increased my love for the girls.

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