Thursday, June 26, 2014

Daughter of God Week Day 4

Repentance and the Pencil Maker

We handed out these cute little pencils along with these envelopes enclosing quotes and detailing the mission for the day.

Here's the quotes we used, the personal message, and the mission:

Courage isn’t always grandiose. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, “I’ll try again tomorrow.”
-Thomas S. Monson

D&C 110:4 I am the first and the last; I am he who liveth, I am he who was slain; I am your advocate with the Father.

I want you to know that I have a testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ. He is my personal advocate with the father, he is also yours. Can you think of someone you would rather have on your side? Someone that knows you better? No one loves you more. He has an invested interest in you. He has already paid the price for you. He has bled from every pore, suffered the excruciating pains of the atonement, and died on the cross, just for YOU. He will not turn back now. He loves you so much that he was willing to make all of those sacrifices, just for YOU! It is the adversary that wants you to believe that repentance is not for you. The only thing the Savior asks of us is that we come unto him, that we take his yoke, and that we repent of our sins. What can you do today to be more like him?

Mission: Choose one thing that you will change to be more like your savior. What will it be? Repent and commit to being more Christlike in your everyday actions. Record your choice in your journal.

Click HERE to see all of the other days and treat ideas.

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