
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Brown Family Quiche

Quiche is one of Chad's favorite meals. It was a special request for his Father's Day meal. Here's what you need.

For the Crust:

1 1/2 Cups flour
8 Tablespoons cold, butter, cut into small pieces
1 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons ice water

For the Filling:

1/2 cup sliced shallots
1/2 pound chopped bacon (pieces about the size of a dime)
Freshly ground pepper
2 eggs
2 yolks
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup milk
1/8 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 Cup grated Gruyere cheese
1/4 Cup fresh basil
2 Tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Using a pastry cutter, cut butter into flour and and salt. Add the water and mix/cut in with the pastry cutter until the dough starts to cling together. Press into a ball and roll into a 13 inch diameter round about a 1/4 inch thick.

Transfer and press down into 10 1/2 inch tart pan with a removable bottom. Trim off excess dough. Line the shell with wax paper and weigh it down with some dried beans. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, fry bacon on medium-high heat. Add in shallots and sauté along with the bacon until they are a golden brown.

Using a slotted spoon transfer bacon and shallots to the quiche crust.

Mix eggs, cream, milk, nutmeg, pepper, red pepper flakes, Gruyere, and chopped basil.

Fresh from the garden! :-) This is some basil that has successfully reseeded itself for the last 3 years. It was originally regular basil planted next to some black basil, and is now a weird spotted mix of the two.

Poor the egg mixture over the bacon, top with Parmesan and a little more basil, and bake at 400 degrees for 40 minutes.

Allow to cool on a rack, unmold, and serve warm.

Chad wanted his Quiche with a little tomato bake. 

And a little Panna Cotta!

Happy Father's Day!

Chad is a wonderful husband and father. I feel so lucky to have him in our lives. He is a great influence on our children and a patient and kind friend. Love you lots Chad!

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