Monday, July 25, 2016

Pioneer Day in Primary

This Sunday we reviewed our Primary Program songs Pioneer Day style. I had so much fun! We circled the wagons by doing away with the chairs, and forming a circle around a fake fire. We sang songs, told pioneer stories, and played a few pioneer games like Button Button, and Handkerchief Drop, but the highlight for me was making butter! I had never done this before :-). It was super simple. I put about a cup of cream in a mason jar added 1/4 teaspoon of salt and let the kids pass it around the circle and shake it all up as we sang our songs. At the very end we let all the kids try the butter they had made on a piece of homemade bread! So Yummy!

After you get to the point where the cream is mostly solid then you can strain the excess liquid (buttermilk) off and press it into a ball or some other form. We didn't do that for primary, but as soon as I got home I took the extras and made us a little butter ball :-).

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